What made me go AH-HA!

Originally published 2021/08/01

This week's discussion around informal learning actually was my AH-HA! moment for this course. I am relatively familiar with eLearning software, and also feel prepared for where the field is headed. But I am slightly obsessed with learning about people's motivations and passions. And in that vein, informal learning intrigues me. Many definitions of informal learning include the "interest" of the learner, and I think that is an interesting juxtaposition from the "requirement" of the learner. Totally different motivations, and while I can't speak to while is the better of the two, I can guess that personal interest outweighs external requirements in terms of motivation.

This interest in personal motivation stems from many different experiences in my life, but probably none greater than having ADHD. With ADHD, no amount of external motivation coerces me into doing a task. I have to have full, complete, personal motivation to do anything, and then I do it with such veracity that it is the only thing I focus on. The description for informal learning included the example of YouTube, but my personal does of informal learning comes from Instagram. I love the sport of bodybuilding, and have been so passionate about it that I have sat for personal training exams (with no interest in personal training, I just wanted to learn everything I could). To this day my instagram is 80% personal training information, bodybuilding studies, how-tos, training suggestions, client results...and I interact with this multiple times a day. I am using the platform to constantly learn, even though I would ultimately consider it entertainment. And while this is not related to my career, I still think of it as an example of providing context and real world application of a learned topic.

What I can take away from this though is that I have the ability to casually, based on my interest and time allowance, seek out sources of information. I have set up my resources to be able to answer any question I have quickly, as well as provide more information and insight to what I am already interested in. Even if I don't have a specific topic, I am provided with new information with the simple action of a swipe. To the unfocused mind, this is a dream scenario. I learn about something I am interested in, whenever I want, and at my (ridiculously quick) speed. A lot of the critiques I have with eLearning modules or informational videos is that they don't move fast enough for my brain, I lose interest quickly, distract myself, and then it takes me extra time to sit through and digest the materials. I love the idea of informal learning because it provides a wide variety of audience the ability to learn in the way they prefer, we just have to provide that modality to them. The best feature for me in videos, for example, is the ability to play them at 1.5x speed. That is one of the only ways I can stay engaged with a video. eLeaning modules don't yet offer a feature to speed up audio, but maybe one day in the future they will, because they will realize that convenience and customizing learning to your personalized needs is one of the best features to make learning more accessible.